459. Cardinal Rule: Robert Bellarmine
Though most famous for his role in persecuting Galileo, Robert Bellarmine was a central figure of the Counter-Reformation, especially in his political thought.
• S. Tutino (trans.), Robert Bellarmine: On Temporal and Spiritual Authority (Indianapolis: 2012).
• R.J. Blackwell, Galileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible (Notre Dame: 1991).
• R. de Maio (ed.), Bellarmino e la Controriforma (Sora: 1990).
• V. Frajese, “Una teoria della censura: Bellarmino e il potere indiretto dei papi,” Studi Storici (1984), 139-52.
• P. Godman, Saint As Censor: Robert Bellarmine between Inquisition and Index (Leiden: 2000).
• H. Höpfl, Jesuit Political Thought: the Society of Jesus and the State, c. 1540-1630 (Cambridge: 2004).
• F. Motta, Bellarmino: una teologia politica della Controriforma (Brescia: 2005).
• T. Pink, “Suarez and Bellarmine on the Church as Coercive Lawgiver,” in R. Saccenti and C. Sulas (eds), Legge e Natura: i dibattiti teologici e giuridici fra XV e XVII secolo (Ariccia: 2016), 187-221.
• R.W. Richgels, “The Pattern of Controversy in a Counter-Reformation Classic: the Controversies of Robert Bellarmine,” Sixteenth Century Journal 11 (1980), 3-15.
• S. Tutino, Empire of Souls: Robert Bellarmine and the Christian Commonwealth (Oxford: 2010).
• C.D. Washburn, “St. Robert Bellarmine on the Authoritative Interpretation of Sacred Scripture,” Gregorianum 94 (2013), 55-77.
Thanks to Garry Soronio for his advice on this episode!
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