68. The Problem of the Color Line: Introducing the Twentieth Century

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By exploring the work and activities of W.E.B. Du Bois around the turn of the twentieth century, we introduce some of the themes of our coverage of that century.



Further Reading

The Negro Problem: A Series of Articles by Representative American Negroes of To-day (New York: 1903).

• W.E.B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk: Essays and Sketches (Chicago: 1903).

• A.M. Duster (ed.), Crusade for Justice: the Autobiography of Ida B. Wells (Chicago: 1970).

• B. Sylvain, Du sort des indigènes dans les colonies d'exploitation (Paris: 1901).


• D.L. Lewis, W.E.B. Du Bois: Biography of a Race, 1868-1919 (New York: 1993).

• D.L. Lewis, W.E.B. Du Bois: The Fight for Equality and the American Century, 1919-1963 (New York: 2001).

• M. Sherwood, Origins of Pan-Africanism: Henry Sylvester Williams, Africa, and the African Diaspora (London: 2010).


jdb on 18 March 2021


Somehow I never realized WEB DuBois lived til the 60s!  Almost a hundred years old!  I'm really looking forward to this series.

Joshua Gitonga… on 8 September 2022

Episode 68

It's pronounced du bwa

In reply to by Joshua Gitonga…

Peter Adamson on 9 September 2022

Du Bois

No actually it isn't! I mean, it would be if it were French, but Du Bois himself pronounced it as Doo Boys, as Chike would be the first to tell you - he's a leading expert on Du Bois' thought so he would not have allowed me to say it wrong!

Goran on 9 October 2023

What's the exact version of…

What's the exact version of St. Thomas you used for this part of the series?

In reply to by Goran

Peter Adamson on 9 October 2023

St Thomas

It's actually a live performance which was posted publicly - we used that because the more famous version would be copyrighted.

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Du Bois

Africana Philosophy in the Twentieth Century

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