Glenn Adamson on Material Intelligence

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Peter's twin brother Glenn Adamson discusses the philosophical implications of craft.



Further Reading

• G. Adamson, Thinking Through Craft (New York: 2007).

• G. Adamson, The Craft Reader (London: 2010).

• G. Adamson, The Invention of Craft (London: 2013).

• G. Adamson, Fewer, Better Things: the Hidden Wisdom of Objects (London: 2018).


John Thomas on 11 August 2018

Scientia and Sapientia

Great podcast and both of you look similar and sounds similar too. I agree with what you said during the first part of the podcast. Craftsmanship is not traditionally considered part of philosophy in most dicussions. I guess, two different terms are used in Latin to differentiate it (I don't know if there are corresponding Greek terms for it): scientia and sapientia. Scientia involves all knowledge we derive from the workings of nature. All the knowledge and skills that various craftsmen possess seems to be included under scientia even though these craftsmen exhibit extreme creativity and skills to create their works of art. Sapientia involves all the higher knowledge and wisdom or as Aristotle puts it, knowledge of first principles. And traditionally philosophy was thought to involve this higher knowledge rather than natural knowledge. Just my own reflection about it.

In reply to by John Thomas

Peter Adamson on 18 August 2018

Scientia vs sapientia

Thanks for the comment! Just wanted to confirm that that distinction existed in Greek too: episteme (equivalent to scientia) and sophia (like sapientia).

Lanie on 12 August 2018

Glenn Adamson

I enjoyed this so much!

Dave Martin on 12 August 2018

Material Intelligence

Hi Peter and Glenn,

I loved the twin podcast.

It seemed to me that what you were talking about when you were talking about material intelligence is very related to some recent theories in neuropsychology (particularly the work of Mark Solms).  He posits that the consciousness (and the knowledge therein) is simply a debugging tool for auditing completed actions and creating workable automated programmes of action to be lodged and executed in the unconscious (equivalent to your material intelligence, it seems to me).  I can see a line of reasoning here that says human learning is split into two by the brain: that which teaches us to walk, run, play the piano, plane wood etc, which is pushed down as automated programmes stored in the unconscious memory for quick access and execution; and more conceptual models (bits of philosophy if you like to call them that) which are stored in the conscious memory and can be used for analysing future input, for instance, deciding whether the thing that looks like a camel is actually a camel, or a fancy designer table.

The status of the two types don’t necessarily have a greater or lesser merit, but one is part of the executive function of the brain, the other used as the reference frame for its perception and processing systems.

Dave M


In reply to by Dave Martin

Peter Adamson on 18 August 2018

Material Intelligence

It's Glenn responding here. Thank you for listening! That two level model of conscious and unconscious expertise is fascinating and does ring true. In this case we could understand the acquisition of a skill as a process of submersion of knowledge from the conscious level into the body. Very much what happens in real world training.

In reply to by Peter Adamson

Dave Martin on 30 August 2018

Material Intelligence

Exactly right, Glenn.  I used to work in motion capture industry where some researchers, looking at humans gait, were beginning to look at whether the onset of dementia could be seen in changes in gait pattern.  It seems it can.  If you think about walking as being one of the most obvious skills that gets submerged into the body by that conscious learning process at a very early age, what appears to be happening in this change of gait is that little bits of the submerged unconscious ‘programming’ is beginnning to get broken.  Consequently what happens is the brain sends alarm signals and the conscious has to take over and correct the movement.  What you see in the gait patterns as a result are strange hesitations in the movement of limbs.  This is detectable, apparently, long before the usual symptoms present themselves.



Pat on 12 August 2018

Happy Birthday Twins !

Thank you Peter and Glenn. I enjoyed a different podcast to my regular medieval Islamic philosophers that I normally listen to...

Rhys Willam Roark on 12 August 2018

Craft / Material Intelligence

Hi Peter,

I really enjoyed the interview with your brother, Glenn (and happy b'day guys!).  First, I think I like your podcast even more hearing that your brother has an art history background--my intellectual start.  But I was intrigued by Glenn's comment about how material intelligence has become more and more specialized.   This is what I very much recognize with mental intelligence, both more broadly in the society and esp in the case of academia where this can get very narrowed in terms of knowledge of persons, events and period, encapsulated in the famous phrase "knowing more and more about less and less." 

My material intelligence doesn't extend to that of your grandfather--but I do like to cook, draw and paint.  But, my own interest in art history spurred me on to have a broad, interdisciplinary (or, generalist, if you will) background esp. as it relates to the humanities--so taking much interest in issues of philosophy and religion, and then too science, politics and economics and even more tangentially literature and music, as all spurred (though not always simultaneously) through my encounter with the history of art.  This was all the more true as some noted art historians of the earlier 20th century embodied this type of broad learning as a cosmopolitan and erudite value (Erwin Panofsky and his interest in Kant and the work of a Neo-Kantian, Ernst Cassirer come to mind and their art historical relevance--and the latter being one of my favorite 20th-century philosophers thanks to this exposure, himself very learned it seems)--and I've always admired this as a value and type of cultivation even if it doesn't seem to do much for you in academia, or even the larger society, given the seeming increase in anti-intellectualism in US culture.

And a shout out to on mentioning Plato and his use of craft metaphors / analogies--something I've always taken to heart, both in striving to be more philosophical or learned and more virtuous. 

Great episode!

Rhys William Roark (first name "rise"). OKC, OK.

In reply to by Rhys Willam Roark

Peter Adamson on 18 August 2018


Glenn responding here: thanks for your great comment! It's interesting that art history was one of the later disciplines to emerge and that so many of its leading practitioners had a firm basis in other fields. Arguably the field is opening up to that kind of intellectual breadth again after several decades of relative narrowness.

Peter adds: one difference between us is that Glenn can spell "practitioners" right on the first try.

Jim Young on 12 August 2018


Could it be that Descartes put his finger on the wrong part of the brain? This wonderful discussion of embodied intelligence suggests we might give a shoutout to the cerebellum (since it never speaks for itself).

Manuel on 13 August 2018


While your podcasts are already great, this one was an especially nice present to us listeners.

Thank you very much and happy birthday!


Esperanza on 13 August 2018

Yoga, Material Intelligence and Ethics


Thank you this episode, I found it very interesting. I am a professional historian and a dedicated yoga practitioner and a few thoughts came to mind as I listened to your discussion on Material intelligence. First, historians (or maybe more philosophers of history) often discuss the question of whether historical knowledge that is specific to a particular time, place or even person, can be considered knowledge if it cannot be abstracted and/ or seen as part of a larger trend/process/movement. This is not one of the most explicitly discussed questions in philosophy of history, however,  I feel it should be since we generally try to justify the value of historical knowledge by saying things such as "we learn from history" and this assumes that one can generalize from specific situations. On yoga, I was wondering about two things. First, at one point in the discussion, Glenn (I apologize for addressing him by his first name) spoke about how areas such as athletics can be analogous to craft. But that craft leaves something material behind. He used the specific example of someone playing basketball. Here it may be worth pointing out that when athletes, dancers and yoga practitioners perform they in fact produce material changes in their own bodies. Their craft has specific and quite tangible effects on their muscles, joints and other tissues. It is an interesting kind of craft because your tools and your materials are often the same. Sometimes you use the limbs (arms and legs) to affect certain joints (shoulder, hips, spinal joints). Other times, you use simple positioning to affect the muscles and tissue of the limbs. More importantly, it takes hours and more often years of practice to understand how these things happen. I teach yoga and it is amazing how difficult it is for beginners to even know what the position of their pelvis is, where their legs are in relationship to their head and shoulders, or how to move in particular spacial plains. So I believe that one can think of these activities as crafts that use the body both as tools and materials. It is also the case that Yoga, in particular, sees itself as a paradigm for ethical behaviour. The practice of asana and pranayama are the spaces in which one is supposed to learn and cultivate the yamas and nyamas, such a no harm, contentment, etc. Some of the sutras speak of yoga as the learning of "skilled action" which is meant to first recognize how patterns of movement or behaviour create karma, therefore suffering, and then how to change those patterns to cultivate skilled action. I am by no means an expert on yogic philosophy, but I do remember clearly that the practice of asana yoga is meant to teach us what it means to be kind to ourselves first, so we can be kind to others, and it is meant to do this through daily practice, through practical knowledge and experience rather than study. Thank you again for a great podcast alltogether and a super stimulating episode



In reply to by Esperanza

Peter Adamson on 18 August 2018


Thanks for the response! What you say about Yoga is very interesting - not sure if you listened to the episode on Yoga in the India series but there Jonardon and I made the point that it is the "practical" complement to Samkhya. Thus we could with some justice say that the Indian tradition was already alive to this idea that there is an embodied or applied dimension of philosophy or wisdom, as well as a more theoretical one.

Bill Schaffer on 16 August 2018

identity of indiscernibles (twins)

I think you should know that, at least in terms of vocal properties, your brother and yourself are quite discernible (his voice is slightly deeper, but you sound slightly more affable). Also, your jokes always work, without exception or qualification (what the world needs now is more giraffe and Keaton-based analogies). Finally, I was strongly reminded of certain passages in Deleuze when your sibling evoked the specific frictions encountered wihen working with materials (If I remember correctly Deleuze actualy talks about the singularity of wood grains in logic sense as a model of learning).

Thomas Mirus on 16 August 2018

Great episode! As an artist

Great episode! As an artist this sort of thing really interests me.

Sam on 18 August 2018

I want to know more about

I want to know more about virtue as a craft. Would that make religions guilds?

In reply to by Sam

Peter Adamson on 18 August 2018

Virtue as a craft

Well, this was only supposed to be an analogy: the idea being that virtuous people act well through habits that they might not be able to articulate fully or transmit just by linguistic instruction. The idea that you become virtuous by doing the right kind of actions struck me as similar to what Glenn was saying about craft. But it is only a rough comparison, and actually I think it would be complex or even problematic to apply the idea in a Judeo-Christian context, for instance.

Karl Young on 20 August 2018

Embodied Cognition

Happy birthday guys, great show. I was slightly surpirsed re. the discussion relating Glenn's work to more specific areas of philosophy, that no mention was made of the current work on embodied cognition, e.g. people like Andy Clark (lack of time or interest maybe ?). In any case that work seems pretty related; to parphrase (no doubt based on a misunderstanding of both Clark's and Glenn's work !) the piece of oak an individual is working on (and the tools one is using) might be considered part of that individuals cognitive apparatus. I'm even reminded of the Buddhist notion of no-self, if that is interpreted to mean emptiness (of independnet exstence) re. having no obvious suitable boundary with which to define a self. Though not a wood worker I like the idea of being part oak (though maybe less being part wrought iron...). I guess as a shakuhachi player I can live with being part bamboo...  

In reply to by Karl Young

Peter Adamson on 21 August 2018


Oh yes, that's a good connection - the extended mind and all that. I think that the connections between Clark's ideas and Buddhism are also interesting though of course there is a big difference between extending the boundaries of the self and denying that there is a self!

In reply to by Peter Adamson

Karl Young on 21 August 2018


Well I'm probably being way too sloppy for a philosopher's tastes but it seems to me that failing to clearly identify what something is and what it isn't (e.g. inability to establish a boundary) is as good as denying it's existence (at least in the Buddhist sense) - or maybe I'm being a little too continental ? :-) I don't think any Buddhist ever treated someone they were talking to as some sort of illusion; it's just that when you go looking for what it is that constitutes that person you can't find it, ergo the, perhaps fatuous sounding, connection to everything (empty of independnet existence...).

It seems the old Zen yarn about Bodhidharma pacifying the 2nd patriarch's mind (i.e. showing that it "didn't exist" in my clumsy paraphrase) captures the spirit of what I'm mumbling on about... From the Gateless Gate:

'Bodhidharma sat facing the wall.

The Second Patriarch stood in the snow.

He cut off his arm and presented it to Bodhidharma, crying, "My mind has no peace as yet! I beg you, master, please pacify my mind!"

"Bring your mind here and I will pacify it for you," replied Bodhidharma.

"I have searched for my mind, and I cannot take hold of it," said the Second Patriarch.

"Now your mind is pacified," said Bodhidharma.'

In reply to by Peter Adamson

Karl Young on 21 August 2018

more boundaries

PS re. my last message; I didn't complete that thought very well. I meant to ackowledge that I was indeed suggesting an extendion of Clark's theme a little in assuming that once one extended the mind in that way that he suggests, that that leads to something like a regress, e.g. because one might also properly think of the rain and soil that nourished the oak tree, and the guys that made tools as part of the extended mind, and then the... 

Jonathan Z. on 27 August 2018

Craft of Music

The topic of music came up a few times in this podcast.  Once, in the context of learning to play piano as a techné; another in the context of symmetry, by which it was said that you wouldn't ordinarily speak of a Beethoven Symphony.  

I think that music composition can be thought of in both ways.  Bach, for example, considered himself a master craftsman, and might have thought of his pieces of music similarly to how a carpenter might view a completed table or chair.  Our modern idea of a composer expressing their emotions through their music is a legacy of the Romantic period, which has been anachronistically applied to the Baroque period.

Symmetry in music may be a little harder to describe, but there are many musical forms that composers allow themselves to be constrained into, the mastery of which demonstrates the craftsman's skill.  Of the musical forms which evoke symmetry, the fugue immediately comes to mind, along with sonata-allegro form, the Schubert song-cycles, and even 12-tone technique of the 20th century.  The Scriabin 5th Piano Sonata purposefully ends with the same motif as it begins, in order to express a circularity, or perhaps a progressing spiral.  

I bring this up to ask for your thoughts on craft in the context of music composition, and why it may be more commonly perceived less as a craft than some other more tangible arts such as painting, for example.

In reply to by Jonathan Z.

Glenn Adamson on 28 August 2018

Craft of Music

Thanks Jonathan for your comment. 

You are certainly right that a musical performance involves skill, and seems a strong parallel to other types of making in that it has both technical and aesthetic aspects. However I have always thought of craft as involvinga concrete object that can circulate after the act of ‘making’ has concluded. This has been vital in terms of craft history because of the effects on the commodity status of the creative result. The crafted object is often considered unique, in opposition to mass manufacture, and this has arguably been a dominant factor in cultural usages of hand making since the Arts and Crafts Movement, if not earlier. I do see there is a parallel with the idea of a performance vs. its reproductions (a vinyl album, MP3 download) but the particular issue here is that the craft object is incompatible with efficient replication. So the craftedness of the object to some extent 'resists' economic efficiency, in a way that doesn't really happen in music. There is an interesting coda to this recently, in that the introduction of free music services like Spotify have meant musicians need to derive more of their income from live perfomance. Again I see a parallel there with the idea of craft as an economic proposition involving the direct involvement of the maker. But also again, I think it's only a rough parallel and not the same situation.  

Nick Stavrou on 20 September 2018

Great podcast

Hello Peter and Glenn,

Great podcast and I really liked the idea that symmetric objects are to exhibit the skill of the technician! (One might say that the laws of physics have so many symmetries that reflect the skill of the creator. I know I am jumping language limits but hey it kind of makes sense though.)

Also you remind me of Heidegger and Merlau-Ponty which I can’t wait to hear. I do suspect that Heidegger says things that Plato ans Aristotle have already said but in a more complicated way. Howver the embodiedness of knowledge was somehow lost till these guys kind of brought it back. Not so much Heidegger but MP. 

I'm no expert but have you got any thoughts on that? Or Am I completely of the mark?

Thank you for all the podcasts,

Nick Stavrou, Melbourne Australia

David Ladensohn on 8 October 2018

Material intelligence


I have enjoyed every History of Philosophy podcast I have listened to.  And I find that this particular one is what I encourage people to seek out and listen to.



In reply to by David Ladensohn

Peter Adamson on 8 October 2018


Thanks very much! Glad you like the podcast; this particular episode has been so popular that I had better have Glenn back on at some point.

Nursen Topal on 7 June 2019

Bonus Episodes

It seems like the bonus episode about Craft with your brother doesn't work or has been removed. I wished I could have listened to it earlier. I like bonus episodes, although the main task is to complete the HoP.

Thank you for your work and for sharing (thanks to the sponsors too, if there are any)

Best regards,


In reply to by Nursen Topal

Peter Adamson on 8 June 2019

Bonus episode

Oh no, we didn't want to remove this - it was just a technical error, this has happened occasionally with other episodes. It seems to work now though. If hitting "play" doesn't work for you trying hitting the Download icon. If you still have trouble please let me know and I will upload the episode from scratch.

Nursen Topal on 9 June 2019

Bonus Episodes

OK. I not only managed to find the bonus episode again, this time I was able to open and download it. Very interesting. I had no difficulty to tell you both apart. 

In reply to by Nursen Topal

Peter Adamson on 9 June 2019

Twin voices

Ok good! Actually listening back to it myself I was surprised at how different our voices are. When I hear my voice recorded I think it sounds like him, but you can definitely tell the difference with the two voices side by side.

Patrick Webb on 28 September 2019

Philosophy of Craft

I'm a craftsman myself in the Arts & Crafts tradition and write extensively on Craft and Philosophy. This is perhaps the best explanation from an academic perspective on the subject I've yet to hear.

In reply to by Patrick Webb

Peter Adamson on 29 September 2019


Thanks! I'll pass that on to Glenn.

Speak Truthiness on 30 April 2020

Knowing How and Knowing That

New listener here.  Fascinating topic, I'm engaged in a field of applied research where there is some attempt to bridge these ways of knowing. Appreciated the comments on  episteme and (scientia) and sophia (sapientia) and on neurophyscology.  Does Gilbert Ryle's work have relevance here?

In reply to by Speak Truthiness

Emily on 30 April 2020

Friend of Mind: The Holon Truth

I wonder, might the ghost in the machine be the Holon Ghost?

Let's consult the Bard: "My words fly up, my thoughts remain below. Words without thoughts never to heaven go."

Andrew Maclaren on 28 June 2022


First, has Glenn ever considered doing a podcast of his own? Would love to learn more about this stuff. Second, I wonder what his thoughts oh Marx would be, considering Marx does love to talk about labour and especially his view on praxis. Has Glenn wrote about this? If so, which book should I read?

In reply to by Andrew Maclaren

Glenn Adamson on 29 June 2022

Marx etc

Hi Andrew thanks for your question! I have thought about doing podcasts before - I actually started one when I was at the V&A but then left after just 13 episodes. I’ve written a bit about Marx here and there, at greatest length in my book The Invention of Craft. You also may be interested in an anthology I did called the Craft Reader which includes a text of Marx’s and related material.  

In reply to by Glenn Adamson

Andrew Maclaren on 29 June 2022

Sounds good. Will check…

Sounds good. Will check those books out.

Two more things quickly. One, are these good as introductory material to the topic, or would you recommend another book for that? Keep in mind that, other than this video, I have no real knowledge about this topic to draw upon. No knowledge about art really, and other than the stuff required in secondary school, I haven't had any technical experience. Two, have you written anywhere about phenomenology? I think exploring the phenomenology of crafting or the phenomenology of a crafted object as a crafted object would be very interesting.

In reply to by Andrew Maclaren

Glenn Adamson on 30 June 2022

The Craft Reader is…

The Craft Reader is definitely a good point of entry. If you’re looking for a more readable overview you might be interested in my latest book “Craft: An American History” though it only covers the USA. It’s meant to be a little less academic in tone. Regarding phenomenology (great question) I have not seen anything really pertinent - you may possibly be interested in Bill Brown’s “thing theory” and related questions of Object Oriented Ontology though those texts are only Craft adjacent I would say.

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Transcript +

Note: this transcription was produced by automatic voice recognition software. It has been corrected by hand, but may still contain errors. We are very grateful to Tim Wittenborg for his production of the automated transcripts and for the efforts of a team of volunteer listeners who corrected the texts.

Peter: Hi, I'm Peter Adamson and welcome to a special bonus episode of the History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps. We're on summer break right now, so there are no new normal podcasts appearing in August. So I thought it would be a good chance to do something special and a little bit unexpected and have on a unique guest, if I may put it like that, namely my identical twin brother, Glenn Adamson. I thought this would be interesting because he, although he's not a philosopher, works in areas that are philosophically interesting, as I hope you'll be convinced. And also you'll all have the exciting challenge of trying to tell the difference between our two voices. So say hello, Glenn.

Glenn: Hi there. This is Glenn and it's a pleasure to be on the podcast with you, Peter.

Peter: We're actually recording this on our birthday, which of course is the same day. So happy birthday, Glenn.

Glenn: Happy birthday, Peter.

Peter: Thank you very much. And by the way, like this is not a gag. I mean, this is not me doing two people. He's really a different person. Maybe we should say something at the same time so people believe each other. So let's both say at the same time, happy birthday. One, two, three...

Together: Happy Birthday!

Peter: Okay, so now you believe us. Good. So, Glenn, tell the listeners who you are apart from being my identical twin brother.

Glenn: Well, first, let me say what a big fan I am of the podcast, Peter.

Peter: Oh, thank you very much.

Glenn: And I guess you could say I'm a museum curator, first and foremost, trained as an art historian. And I have a particular interest in the history and theory of craft. So my work tends to be around issues of 'skilled making' of one type or another. And I've looked at that in a lot of different situations, including things you might expect like furniture making or ceramics, but also things like fine art practice. So what does it mean to craft a sculpture or craft a painting, craft a piece of architecture? So a lot of what I do is try to chase the idea of craft around and culture and see where it actually lives and what people think about it.

Peter: And he's too modest to say this, but he's also astonishingly good looking. That's part of what you bring to the table. Right. So I thought, obviously, you've written a lot about craft over the years. But I thought we could maybe concentrate on what you talked about in your most recent book. So maybe just tell us the title of that and then we'll get into what the book is about.

Glenn: Sure. So the book is called Fewer Better Things, The Hidden Wisdom of Objects. And it's a book that tells some personal stories, actually from our family history, including particularly the story of our grandfather who grew up on a farm in Kansas. And he would be a great example of someone who knew a lot about the things in his life. He knew how to make ice cream from scratch. He knew how to build or mend a fence. He knew how to milk a cow. He knew how to fix a motorcycle or a tractor. And I was really struck growing up watching him, you know, carve wood by hand or listen to him talk about his job as an aircraft engineer. In fact, he had a business card that said "Arthur Adamson - wood carvings and jet engines made to order." And it's that kind of person that I talk about in the book. So really, it's an effort to get across the value that people who have a lot of knowledge and understanding of the physical world around us have. You might say it's a kind of tacit knowledge, which, as you say, may be a kind of philosophically interesting idea.

Peter: Actually, I guess a lot of people might think of this as the antithesis of being a philosopher, because philosophers are usually supposed to dwell in the abstract realm of pure thought. Like, how could someone like me have possibly come from the same family as someone as our grandfather, right? Because he was so handy and practical and kind of down to earth. But you think that there's something philosophically interesting about the practice of making things with your hands.

Glenn: I think there's even something very interesting about the fact that I think about craft all the time and you think about philosophy, because they're kind of opposite sides of the same coin. So the fact that both of us ended up having these primary interests in our career, I think that itself is kind of striking. But yes, in the book, I talk a lot about the concept of material intelligence. A minute ago, I used the word tacit, so tacit knowledge, for example. It's the kind of intelligence that somebody has, you might say, in their hands or in an embodied way. So knowing how to plane a board or knowing how to throw a pot at a wheel or knowing exactly what viscosity of acrylic paint you want to make a particular mark on a particular painting. Those kinds of things are very, very difficult to put into language, but I still think that they deserve to be seen as a kind of intelligence and a kind of knowledge.

Peter: Does it make a big difference that you're actually dealing with material? Because I was thinking that, for example, if I'm writing a podcast script, there's a lot of the same things going on, right? So I'm interacting with maybe language. I'm trying to put words together. And just as a craftsperson might not be able to spell out in great detail for you exactly why they're doing everything they're doing, I might not be able to explain to you why I think this joke works in a podcast. Okay, a lot of the time the jokes don't work. I know that. But when it does work, I might not be able to explain why it's just sort of funny or whether a sentence is put together well or something that's sort of like a craft type activity, isn't it? Even though there's no matter involved.

Glenn: Yes. And in fact, people often do use the word craft as a kind of metaphor. For example, people will talk about the craft of poetry...

Peter: or a well-crafted sentence.

Glenn: ...or well-crafted sentence. I've always been of the feeling, though, that material that's external to your body and external to language exerts a kind of friction and a kind of specificity on your creative work or the execution of an idea that is quite different to language. And my example to kind of bear that out would be that any specific board of walnut will have a slightly different set of qualities to any other board, which is quite different from the word "walnut" or the word "wood." So I feel like material intelligence often has to do with a kind of adaptability and this infinitely rich, flexible capability of dealing with the stuff that you're trying to shape, give shape to.

Peter: And this is an expertise you can only acquire by actually dealing with material of that kind over and over and over.

Glenn: This is one of the most interesting things about it is to think about the way that you acquire material intelligence and just parenthetically, I'll point out that in general we seem to have a lot less material intelligence floating around in the culture than we used to. So on the farm where our grandfather was raised in Kansas, he wasn't unusual in having all of these abilities, you know, the ice cream and the fence and the cow and the motorcycle, he would have almost been expected to be able to do all those things. Whereas today I think that kind of general material intelligence is quite rare. We actually have a lot of specific material intelligence in our culture so engineers who have a very very deep relationship to a particular material for example, or even people who make food for a living so they know an awful lot about cooking chicken, an awful lot about making a sauce. But what we seem to have less of is a general material intelligence going to be applied to all sorts of different purposes. And I feel like that's a problem, partly because it tends to, it tends to make people underestimate the degree to which they have a lot in common with other people and other walks of life. So I think of that general material intelligence - a kind of literacy in objects as being like a social connective tissue that we are in danger of losing because of the increasing dependency that we have on technology. And that brings me back to this question of how you get trained in material intelligence, because you really cannot do it just by reading about it, and arguably you can't do it even just by watching a video that shows you how to plane that board or how to make that ice cream from scratch. You have to do it and then you have to do it again and again and again with your own body. And so, when people say tacit or embodied knowledge that's really what they mean - they mean that something that's been instilled in you, muscle and bone, through your own direct experience which is what makes it so very particular not only particular to the materials, planing walnut as opposed to plnning ebony as opposed to planing elm, and what that feels like and how you need to work the tool, but also what's particular to your own body, and what works for you, how you're going to stand, the particular gestures you're going to make. So it's very very rich very complicated and as I say I think also self evidently a kind of knowledge.

Peter: But it's still something that someone else can help you to acquire rights, if you have a classic relationship between the master and the apprentice, the apprentice is trying to plane the walnut or indeed the ebony - I didn't know you could plane ebony actually. Amazing what you can plane. You're trying to plane the walnut and the master is standing over you and saying things like, 'not so hard' or 'slower' or whatever, and guiding you but you still basically have to do it yourself.

Glenn: Or 'hold the tool like this.' Or 'here's how I do it. So try it this way.' And then maybe you'll do it that way, maybe you won't. And that's precisely the kind of situation that we probably don't have as much in our culture as we used to so we don't have guilds, we don't have those traditional master-apprentice relationships. We don't have farms where people observe and participate in those kinds of making that I was describing. And so, in general we're more and more distanced from the world around us, so I always like to use the example of a chair. So maybe a lot of listeners right now are sitting down. And it might be interesting for them to think about how much they actually know about the object they're sitting in - what materials that was made from, how were those materials worked, where was it made, who made it - because material intelligence also has this kind of social imprint. And so, again, if you don't understand how something was made, or who made it, or what their lives were like, what kind of ethical responsibility can you have to your material environment? And obviously that has environmental implications and implications about other people's labor. So there's a kind of political dimension to this as well. It's not just knowing how to plane that board it's also understanding what that means in a larger context.

Peter: Okay, because I was really wondering, what would you say if somebody objected to you 'well okay I don't know how to plane a board, and I can't make a chair - but who cares? I don't need to know things like that because they make them very well at factories, I can go to IKEA.' This podcast by the way not brought to you by IKEA - but 'I can go to IKEA (other furniture shops are available), and I can just buy these things. I don't need to know all this' and the reason why we don't have material intelligence anymore is that we don't need it, because we've kind of outgrown that phase of human history, and you would say what to that?

Glenn: Yeah, and in fact I'm no ace crafts person myself, so I'm certainly not sitting here saying that everybody needs to know how to make everything in their environment in fact, I think, again if listeners will just look around the room, wherever they are, or if they're in a car, around that car interior. I would suggest that very very few people could make everything within eye shot of any one person at any given time. So it's not a matter of total knowledge in the sense of being able to make those things, but it's rather a matter of curiosity and awareness that, first of all things are difficult to make, and there are specific conditions in which they are made, and also the openness to the idea of material intelligence as a kind of intelligence that we should value, which again has a kind of political dimension to it. So the idea that philosophy professors and manual laborers should be seen as different to one another and the level and importance of knowledge that they have - rather than thinking that the professor has knowledge and the manual labor doesn't.

Peter: Actually this thing about could you make everything in your life. There's a story that makes it what's way into a Platonic dialogue there was this sophist named Hippias. I think that's right, that it's Hippias, and it's mentioned that he showed up at the Olympic Games and everything on his body he had made himself. So he'd made his own clothing, he'd made his own sandals, he'd made his own belt, and that was this was an ancient Greece right and that was already thought to be a very remarkable thing to have done - to have mastered all of these crafts sufficiently that he could even just kit himself out in a full wardrobe. So even then that wasn't possible nevermind now.

Glenn: Right, when the repertoire of materiality was much simpler, even at that point it was past the horizon of human capability. I've been very interested to learn, in fact from you, Peter about Plato's thoughts on these questions, which is not something I had known about - but he apparently puts it quite a high value on the concept of techne, which is one of these words that's hard to translate from the Greek, I guess, but you could say it's a rough equivalent to our word "craft."

Peter: Yeah, that's how people usually translate it. Yeah, art or craft.

Glenn: Right. So, for example, our word "architect" comes from master builder. Or "technical." So, you know, there is a place for craft, at least in ancient philosophy where it's accorded a very high value, and our sense that craft might be a kind of lower calling, or lower vocation, than something that a lawyer or doctor or philosopher might do. That seems to me to be of relatively recent vintage, I would actually myself date it to the late 18th early 19th century and the onset of industrialism, because I think it's only once you have the machine in the picture, then making something by hand starts to seem somewhat ineffective or inadequate. So it's only by juxtaposition or contrast with industrial production, mass production, that craft starts to acquire all of these qualities that we tend to attribute to it. So for example, traditionalism or smallness of scale, inefficiencies, slowness, but also of course positive characteristics like high quality or luxury production, humane qualities like the kind of warmth of handworked wood...

Peter: The uniqueness of the item, because if it's handmade, there's only one.

Glenn: Yeah, exactly. Which of course relates again to questions of value luxury production, but I'm also very opposed to the idea that having a high level of respect for material intelligence needs to mean that you spend more money on things. So, for example, I use the title Fewer Better Things in my book title, and that might sound like, I mean you should just buy things at Hermes once a year, but that's not what I mean. And I also like to use the example of, you know, let's say you're walking along the beach with a child and the child picks one stone up off the beach and hands it to you, and then you take it home in your pocket and you put it in a special place and you always remember that day with that child because of that one stone. That to me would be a great example of what I'm talking about, even though it wasn't even made by that child. The child infused it in that moment with value. Gifts are often like that, relics are often like that. And in a way handmade artifacts are like that too because they have that single connection, that single moment of meaning that's put into them by a person. So, my message I guess would be to say that it would be great if we all had lives that were filled with objects that were more like that, rather than just that, rather than the kind of impersonal Ikea generated detritus that we actually seem to have all around us.

Peter: Right. And now I'm starting to be worried we're going to be sued by Ikea.

Glenn: Taking their name in vain.

Peter: Yeah, hopefully they're not listening. Let me go back to something we've been talking about a couple of times, and it actually relates to what you said about Plato, which is that craft is a kind of knowledge, or that material intelligence is a kind of knowledge, because this is not the kind of knowledge philosophers usually think about. There's a whole branch of philosophy called epistemology, we've covered a lot of epistemological topics in the podcast. And usually epistemology is about knowledge that, I would say, takes propositional form. In other words, roughly speaking, there's a sentence, you believe the sentence is true and then it counts as knowledge if your reasons for believing that the sentence are true are good enough reasons that it amounts to knowledge. So that's a very kind of rough outline. But the point is that knowledge would be propositional, basically because you could spell it out in words. And we've already said that in the case of something like knowing how to shape a piece of wood into a straight board, there's something that transcends or escapes language, right, because you can't really just tell someone how to do it, in words even. And it's also maybe not just a matter of having beliefs, like, it's you it's, I mean, you might also believe it's better to use this kind of tool. But a lot of is knowing how to do something, rather than knowing that something is the case or knowing that something is true. So do you think that it is even appropriate to use the word knowledge. In this case, I mean, I guess you do because you keep saying it. But why do you think that that counts as a kind of knowledge if it's not propositional?

Glenn: So we're talking about 'knowing how' versus 'knowing that.' Right, so I know that this board is straight - that's knowledge, but in some sense, knowing how to plane it would not be. So I guess I would say two things to that: one is that I think it's such a common sense use of the word "knowledge" to include that kind of capability or skill that if we don't include it in our conception of knowledge, then we've probably gone wrong somewhere. So I would say maybe the, the burden of proof there would be on the person who wants to hold to a very strict propositional definition of knowledge. But maybe a more convincing argument would be to say that the 'knowing how' and the 'knowing that' aren't actually separable from one another. So, in fact, if you are planning a board. There's going to be a moment when you look at it in a raking light to see if there's any high spots or low spots. And that is, to some extent, an embodied skill, where you know what wood like that should look like, because you've done it a lot. And you also know what is going to happen if you run that plane across it again. It's probably not something you're thinking through logically or consciously and in the sense that you would a proposition, but there's also a sort of standard external fact finding process that's going on there. So I know that this board is not planed correctly yet in the same way that I know that you are bald, and by the way, so am I. So, there's a way in which in craft processes 'knowing how' and 'knowing that' are always bound up in one another in a manner that would be very difficult to disentangle, and I would imagine that that's probably true in other contexts of knowledge as well.

Peter: Yeah, like playing piano, let's say or surgery. Right. These are in fact are kind of craft-material processes as well as though, although we don't think of them as crafts.

Glenn: Yeah, exactly. I think music, athleticism, again cooking. These are all things that seem quite close to craftsmanship - surgery is another thing people often mention. I tend to think that the crafts are activities in which there's something left behind. So the reason you don't think of making furniture and playing basketball as being quite the same is because after the basketball game is over, it's over - same with a violin performance. So it's something quite specific in the idea of making a chair and then having it sit there as the evidence of your work. And there's a lot that flows from that so just to take one to me interesting example: you might notice that most of the things around you are symmetrical and wonder why that is, and one answer that has been given is that 'well people are symmetrical so that means we like symmetrical things,' but a much more convincing argument is that a symmetrical object is already a check on craft skill because if the left side and the right side match, and it wasn't made in a rotational process - on a lathe for example, or on a potter's wheel - but was actually just made by hand, then you know that the person who made it knew that what they were doing. Because only somebody that knows what they're doing can make the left side and the right side match, and that probably is the reason that so many objects in our lives are symmetrical. So that's a good example of the way that an object that has been made - once it actually goes out into the world, has a kind of recursive relationship to the act of making. And you don't really have the same thing as that in basketball or Beethoven concertos.

Peter: The participants in this conversation are also symmetrical.

Glenn: Yes, exactly on our couch.

Peter: Maybe too many twin jokes. Okay. So I think there might be this kind of philosophical prejudice against this idea, this thinking of material intelligence or craft as a knowledge in this way. But I'm struck by - to go back to Plato one more time - I'm struck by the fact that he actually treats techne, "craft," as a kind of paradigm for knowledge. And a lot of the time in the Socratic dialogues, you get the impression that what Socrates is suggesting is that we need to find a craft or techne for virtue or ethics like living in the world that is more or less like the technique that, say, a carpenter has. So what he wants to do is acquire expertise in life that would work a lot like the way that a carpenter's expertise works. And I think there's a theme also in Aristotle that picks up on that as well, because he talks about ethics being a kind of negotiation with this bewilderingly complex world where you have to react to each situation in the right way. And the situations are infinitely variable, and also you as an agent will have certain features that distinguish you from other agents. And actually this is something I was thinking might apply to the craft case, because if I'm planning a piece of wood, it's not just what the wood is like - it's also what my body is like, how strong am I, how tall am I. And Aristotle thinks that - he actually says that this means that ethics is not a very exact science. So you can't - the philosopher can't come along and say: 'here's exactly how you're going to have to behave in all cases.' Rather than that, all the philosopher, the ethicist, can do is give you a kind of general description of what virtue is going to be like. And how virtue works, how you can be educated into virtue - but the specific action you take in a specific situation is always going to be somehow, something that the virtuous person has to discern in each case which sounds a lot like what you've been saying about craft.

Glenn: Right, actually, it's an ability to navigate material, often, that we're talking about when we talk about craft. And it is interesting to hear you talk about this because I think philosophy often has a bad rap among people who think a lot about craft, because they assume that philosophy sort of has it in for physical embodied knowledge, and a great example of that would be the Cartesian mind body split - which we're all looking forward to hearing about on your podcast soon. So often, people in my field will take that as a kind of prejudicial structure, where the mind is held to be 'higher' than the body - it's exalted above the body in some way. Which I think is not probably a satisfactory reading of what Descartes was thinking about. I realize there's a complicated story there but I think that, in general, it would be much better to fold material intelligence, or similar related related topics, within the domain of philosophical curiosity rather than to think of embodied knowledge as somehow opposed to philosophical knowledge. I think you can draw that conclusion, because of this idea that embodied knowledge is tacit, but in fact I think that you can perfectly adequately philosophize about tacit understanding.

Peter: There's another theme in Aristotle actually that, in fact, I think if I were going to point a finger at a bad guy here I would probably pick Aristotle, and not Descartes - despite the parallel I just drew to ethics. Because when he talks about knowledge in his work on epistemology, he says that knowledge in the strict sense has to be general and universal. So exactly the opposite of what you've been saying. And in the Aristotelian tradition therefore, there's this very strong tendency in ancient and medieval philosophy to say that knowledge is always about abstracting or getting away from the particular. And so then to come along and say 'well here's this kind of knowledge which is all about having a kind of sense for the particular,' which for an Aristotelian would actually always have to do with matter, because it's matter that makes things particular in Aristotelianism, at least that's the usual story. So their idea that knowledge is abstract, universal, general, necessary, not contingent and tied to these particular one off cases - that is a really strong push to think that knowledge isn't like craft. Knowledge is something propositional, something general, it's abstract. Right. So that's a very Aristotelian way of thinking about knowledge, which I think you're challenging, but of course other philosophers have challenged it. So even in Islamic philosophy, which is the field that I work on in my day job, so to speak, or part of my day job. There are philosophers who came along and suggested that there might be kinds of knowledge which involve the direct confrontation between the knower and an individual thing - so like just eyesight. So if I'm looking at you and seeing how handsome you are. I'm using my vision to know that you're handsome and I don't need to abstract there and come up with some kind of universal thought about beauty or handsomeness and apply it to you - I just see you. Right. And another example, which is really relevant here I think actually is the relationship that you have to your own body - you just feel yourself in space, right, which is in a lot of ways like what you're talking about the kind of feel that you have for a material like wood.

Glenn: So the ability to plane the board would not be not totally unlike feeling pain, for example, you would just know it and would be present to you.

Peter: Right, or even I was thinking I guess it would be more like knowing where your arm is, or the knowing how to throw a ball - or maybe the ball's not a good example because there's another object, but say, knowing how to perform a dance move, or even knowing where you are in the dance move. That kind of intimate awareness you have for your body convinces some philosophers, so for example, this 12th century Persian philosopher named Suhrawardi, he thought that that was the paradigm of knowledge - this immediate confrontation you have with yourself. That would be for him a paradigm of knowledge, and he admitted that you could have an abstract universal knowledge as well - for for him that was a kind of secondary knowledge. That's a very, very anti Aristotelian point of view.

Glenn: And if we might leap ahead by 2000 or 1000 years to the present. You can also see how very attractive this idea of knowledge is - something that is very very specific and localized, particular, might be. You might even associate it with, you know, the local food movement or the idea that you should try to live on the resources within a 12 or 20 mile radius from where you live, because of its environmental benefits, and without getting into the big topic of, you know, rightwing doing politics in the last few years and this kind of nativism that we that we have seen too deeply. I do think there's certainly merit to thinking about socially embedded and physically embedded knowledge as being more worthy of respect. And I think that gets back to these issues of labor, as well, because again, if you think of people who are in manufacturing, or other so called "menial" trades - big scare quotes around the word menial. If you were to think of those as being simply a different form of knowledge, rather than a lower form of knowledge to so called 'white collar' trades, I think that would already make a huge positive contribution to the way in which our public discourse seems to unfold. So, you know this idea that knowledge is local to each person's experience, and it is experiential in that way, and that craft might also be a paradigm for that, particularly in the sense that craft is something you acquire over many years of experience. So it's really people's lives that you're talking about as well as their livelihoods. I think that kind of move seems to me very urgent at the moment, so that's in fact one of the main reasons I wrote the book.

Peter: And I suppose that you're not mostly talking to philosophers in the book. Do you think that what you want people to take away from all this, would it be maybe that everyone should maybe learn how to do something that's a craft, would that help, or?

Glenn: I think it would be helpful, if only to, you know, instill people a little bit of humility around the issue of material intelligence. Because when you do try your hand at something you realize not only how difficult that thing is, but how difficult lots of other things might be as well. But it's also, again it's a kind of curiosity that I'm trying to encourage, you know - reading a book is not the same as going into the workshop, in fact. So it's more that I want people to see material intelligence as being this big wide enveloping continuum, which has within it, yes, potters and furniture makers and weavers - but also scientists, also philosophers, also engineers. Also children, you know, I actually think children have a very intuitive relationship to their own material intelligence. In some ways I think we might train it out of them in a lot of cases. So it's really an inherent human faculty that I'm trying to describe, the same human faculty that Plato was trying to describe. And all I'm saying is we should have more instinctive respect for it.

Peter: And I guess that pretty much everyone has this in some spheres already. So really what they maybe need to do is not so much go learn a craft, although that might be a good idea too, but realize that, for example, they're good at cutting onions, and that thing that they're good at - cutting onions - actually could be, could appear in a lot of other parts of their life too and in other people's lives.

Glenn: Exactly. Yeah.