HoPWaG volume 8!

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I'm excited to report that I have just submitted the manuscript for the eighth book in the History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps series. This one will be called "Philosophy in the Reformation" and is based on the episodes from the last four mini-series (Germany/Low Countries, France, Britain, Counter-Reformation), so episodes 371 down to where we are now. Actually some of the chapters have not yet been released as podcasts but they're already written so the book was ready to go. But listeners who notice mistakes or have suggestions on the last few episodes should still let me know since I can still make changes! 

This will hopefully appear next year, but it will need to be approved by referees for the press before it can go into production. Between now and then, volume 7 which will be Africana Philosophy up to 1900 will also appear.

dukeofethereal on 15 November 2024

I hope you go solo once you complete classical Chinese

I hope you go solo once you finish classical Chinese as I don't know how many years it will take for you to conclude Philosophy from 1600-1800 in this current timescale lol.


Also it makes it easier for you to publish your material when you're not dependent on another co-author. 


Regarding philosophy in the Americas since you mentioned you want to go Solo in that podcast, I'd wait for more secondary literature research to be conducted as I don't think there's enough material for a book series on Pre  20th  century Latin-Hispanic  Philosophy (analogous to Part 1/Part 2 of Africana).


Chinese Philosophy Part 2 (Post Han Dynasty - 20th Century) - this time period is not as popular when it comes to secondary literature research compared to Classical Chinese Philosophy, you could add Tibetan philosophy (geographically it fits but sphere of influence it's part of the Indian philosophy) - enough material for a 2nd book but will take years if done in a bi-weekly schedule.

Indian Philosophy Post Dignaga - Will Ganeri return to partner up? its been nearly a decade since you've concluded India, probably a forgone conclusion, most likely need a secondary partner who else is knowledgable in a general sense during this era (6th Century -  up to the Partition of India) ? - enough material for a 2nd book but will take up nearly 5 years if done in a bi-weekly schedule


Japanese/Korean Philosophy - you'll need co-authors for these series. Japanese has more material than Korean Philosophy for a dedicated book.


I am in favour of simply just moving on to Western Philosophy and try to reach Kant and see for yourself if you still have the energy and desire to  want to continue past Kant as the original goal if i remember years ago was for you to conclude up to Kant, by then you would have covered this podcast for little over 20 years. How many more years will it take for you to reach up to 1970's ? especially if you continue this bi-weekly schedule.


Some food for thought when you conclude Classical Chinese, put the non Western feed on hold until you gained enough ground past 1800 or continue with the western non feed and perhaps take years to reach 1800 whilst being restricted by co-authors especially if you aren't ready to partner with or found a suitable individual to continue with Post Dignaga Indian Philosophy, Post Classical Chinese Philosophy or the very trick and underrated Latin American Philosophy which does not have much secondary literature plus language barrier (Portuguese, I know you are fine with Spanish). 


I was wondering why there was a holdup for the Africana Philosophy Part 1 book to be announced despite being concluded years ago.

In reply to by dukeofethereal

Peter Adamson on 5 December 2024

The future

Oh right sorry, I think I was overwhelmed by the number of issues you raised there, thought I’d come back to the comment later, and forgot to do so. Actually Africana volume 1 is well along in production now, we just returned the copy-edited version to the press. And the plan is to submit volume 2 of Africana in March. Then it will be a while until another book is ready!

As far as future podcasts I like the idea that was recently suggested here on the site, of doing 2 early modern episodes for each non-western episode once Karyn and I are done with classical China, and I still lean towards doing the Americas next so haven’t made any attempts to line up co-authors for future series on later India, China, or Korea/Japan.

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