7 - The Road Less Traveled: Parmenides

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Peter  discusses the "father of metaphysics," Parmenides, and his argument that all being is one.



Further Reading

P. Curd, “Parmenidean monism.” Phronesis, 36 (1991), 241-64.

P. Curd, The Legacy of Parmenides (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998).

M.M. MacKenzie, “Parmenides’ dilemma,” in Phronesis, 27 (1982), 1-12.

A.A. Long, “Parmenides on Thinking Being,” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 12 (1996), 125-51.

G.E.L. Owen, “Eleatic questions.” Classical Quarterly, n.s. 10 (1960) 84-102. Reprinted with additions in R.E. Allen and D.J. Furley (eds.), Studies in Presocratic Philosophy, 2: Eleatics and Pluralist (London: Routledge, 1975), 48-81.

Stanford Encyclopedia: Parmenides


dukeofethereal on 15 November 2024

Epistemology and Cosmology tag needed for Parmenides

You mention Parmenides argument for the unity of being ('Way of Truth') the first half of his poem talks about his Epistemology theory (making a major contribution to this field despite being father of Meta-physics).


Xeneophanes also made a difference in distinguised mere belief and general knowledge whereas Parmenides spent half of his poem on Epistemology and the other half on belief. 



Would you also add the Epistemology tag to Xenophanes ? 


Regarding Cosmology you mentioned the 2nd part of his poems is not fully preserved unlike his first part 'way of opinion' poem. Spent a significant part of this poem devoted to cosmology.

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