Emotion and sentiment

44 - The Goldilocks Theory: Aristotle's Ethics

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Peter looks at one of Aristotle’s most popular works, the Nicomachean Ethics, and its ideas about happiness and virtue.

54 - Instant Gratification: the Cyrenaics

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Peter considers Aristippus and the Cyrenaics, a group of hedonistic philosophers who were in touch with their feelings… but nothing else.

56 - Am I Bothered?: Epicurean Ethics

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Epicurus is infamous for thinking that pleasure is the good. But surprisingly, he says the highest pleasure is mere absence of pain. In this episode, Peter enjoys the challenge of trying to understand why.

64 - David Sedley on Stoicism

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David Sedley of Cambridge University chats with Peter about the development of the Stoic school, from the early days to the imperial age.

65 - Anger Management: Seneca

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Peter starts to explore the Roman Stoics, beginning with Seneca and the Stoic attitude towards the emotions.

290. Martin Pickavé on Emotions in Medieval Philosophy

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Martin Pickavé returns to the podcast to talk about theories of the emotions in Aquinas, Scotus and Wodeham.

35. Letters from the Heart: Ignatius Sancho and Benjamin Banneker

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Ignatius Sancho and Benjamin Banneker make their mark on the history of Africana thought through letters that reflect on the power of sentiment.

333. Difficult to Be Good: Humanist Ethics

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Humanists from Bruni and Valla to Pontano and Castiglione ask whether ancient ethical teachings can still help us learn how to live.

335. Sabrina Ebbersmeyer on Emotions in Renaissance Philosophy

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An interview with Sabrina Ebbersmeyer about the relation of emotion to reason and the body, and panpsychism, in the Renaissance.

338. All About Eve: the Defense of Women

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Refutation of misogyny in Moderata Fonte and Lucrezia Marinella.

48. Happy Holidays: Two Speeches by Frederick Douglass

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In two speeches marking holidays, Frederick Douglass champions the idea of world citizenship, the power of appeals to conscience to bring change, and the role of violence.

87. Call It Intuition: Leopold Senghor

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Leopold Senghor compares different ways of knowing while developing his theory of Negritude and combining the roles of poet and politician.

98. Meena Krishnamurthy on Martin Luther King Jr

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An interview about the role of the emotions, including anger and feelings of dignity, in the non-violent protest campaign of King.

127. Knowing the Difference: Audre Lorde

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In poetry and prose, especially her collection Sister Outsider, Audre Lorde explores ideas of difference, eroticism, and feminist theory.

429. She Uttereth Piercing Eloquence: Women’s Spiritual Literature

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How women’s writing in England changed from the early fifteenth century, the time of Margery Kempe, to the late sixteenth century, the time of Anne Lock.

140. Cornel West on Himself

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Cornel West joins us to look back on the development of his thought and the many authors who have inspired him.

6. Franklin Perkins on Excavated Texts

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In this interview, we learn how newly discovered texts are changing our understanding of Warring States period philosophy.

9. Family Values: Confucian Role Ethics

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Confucianism puts relationships with family members at the core of their ethical thinking. Is this a strength or a weakness?

13. The Trembling Ox: Mengzi and the Compassionate Heart

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In the text that bears his name, Mengzi ("Mencius") holds that the human heart-mind is the wellspring of goodness.

16. To Become or Not to Become: the Confucians on Our Moral Natures

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Morality is what makes us humans, for the Confucians: but does morality come from inside us, outside us, or both?