500 episodes

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It turns out that without noticing it, I have released 500 episodes of the History of Philosophy podcast! We're only up to 367 in the main series but if you include the Indian and Africana series, then the 500th episode was actually number 366 on Renaissance magic. I think Ficino would be pleased.

And thanks to my Uncle Fred for pointing this out.

dukeofethereal on 28 April 2021

Congrats peter, to many more and to your good health

We're itching closer in you hitting episode 100 of Africana and episode 400 for Reformation. I wonder what guests you'll bring on the 400th episode of reformation!

Peter Adamson on 29 April 2021


Thanks very much! I do have something special planned for 400, indeed already recorded, but it is not about the Reformation.

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