429. She Uttereth Piercing Eloquence: Women’s Spiritual Literature

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How women’s writing in England changed from the early fifteenth century, the time of Margery Kempe, to the late sixteenth century, the time of Anne Lock.



Further Reading

• A. Bale (trans.), The Book of Margery Kempe (Oxford: 2015).

• S. Felch (ed.), The Collected Works of Anne Vaughan Lock (Tempe: 1999).

• J. Mueller (ed.), Katherine Parr: Complete Works and Correspondence (Chicago: 2014).

• J.H. Arnold and K.J. Lewis (eds), A Companion to the Book of Margery Kempe (Cambridge: 2004).

• C.W. Atkinson, Mystic and Pilgrim: The Book and the World of Margery Kempe (Ithaca: 1983).

• E.V. Beilin, Reedeeming Eve: Women Writers of the English Renaissance (Princeton: 1987). 

• A. Goodman, Margery Kempe and Her World (Edinburgh: 2002).

• W.P. Haugaard, “Katherine Parr: the Religious Convictions of a Renaissance Queen,” Renaissance Quarterly 22 (1969), 346-59.

• S.E. James, Kateryn Parr: The Making of a Queen (Aldershot: 1999).

• K. Lochrie, Margery Kempe and Translations of the Flesh (Philadelphia: 1991).

• L. Herbert McAvoy, Authority and the Female Body in the Writings of Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe (Cambridge: 2004).

• S.J. McEntire, Margery Kempe: a Book of Essays (London: 1992).

• E.A. Nist, “Tattle’s Well’s Faire: English Women Authors of the Sixteenth Century,” College English 46 (1984), 702-16.

• T. Lanpher Nugent, “Anne Locke’s Poetics of Spiritual Abjection,” English Literary Renaissance 39 (2009), 3-23.

• J. Summit, Lost Property: The Woman Writer and English Literary History, 1380–1589 (Chicago: 2000).

• M. White, “Women Writers and LiteraryReligious Circles in the Elizabethan West Country: Anne Dowriche, Anne Lock Prowse, Anne Lock Moyle, Ursula Fulford, and Elizabeth Rous,” Modern Philology 103 (2005), 187-214.

L. Woodbridge, Women and the English Renaissance: Literature and the Nature of Womankind, 1540-1620 (Urbana: 1984).


dukeofethereal on 14 October 2023

Will you be covering Individualism after British Scholasticism?



Will you be covering Individualism again after British Scholasticism ? Even though you touched it on briefly when covering Hamlet? 

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