405. Divide and Conquer: the Spread of Ramism

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The methods of Peter Ramus sweep across Europe, winning adherents and facing stiff opposition in equal measure.



Further Reading

• M. Feingold, J.S. Freedman, and W. Rother (eds), The Influence of Petrus Ramus: Studies in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Philosophy and Sciences (Basel: 2001).

• J.S. Freedman, “The Diffusion of the Writings of Petrus Ramus in Central Europe, c.1570-c.1630,” Renaissance Quarterly 46 (1993), 98-152.

• A. Grafton and L. Jardine, From Humanism to the Humanities: Education and the Liberal Arts in Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-century Europe (Cambridge MA: 1986), ch.7.

• J. Guillory, “Marlowe, Ramus, and the Reformation of Philosophy,” English Literary History 81 (2014), 693-732.

• H. Hotson, Commonplace Learning: Ramism and its German Ramifications, 1543–1630 (Oxford: 2007).

• H. Hotson, The Reformation of Common Learning (Oxford: 2020).

• S. Knight and E.A. Wilson (eds.), The European Contexts of Ramism (Turnhout: 2019).

• S.J. Reid and E.A. Wilson (eds), Ramus, Pedagogy and the Liberal Arts: Ramism in Britain and the Wider World (Farnham: 2011).


Peter Adamson on 28 July 2022


In this episode there are quite a few names likely to be unfamiliar, so here is a list of the names in order of mention:

Johann Freige, André Wechel, Omer Talon, Richard Hooker, Johannes Piscator, Andreas Cramer, Friedrich Beurhaus, Rudolph Goclenius, Johann Alsted, Andrew Melville, Bartholomew Keckermann, Franco Burgersdijk, and of course poor old "Stupido"

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