List of my columns, posts, and interviews

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It occurred to me that it might be helpful if I made a list of online columns, posts, interviews, and articles I have done for various blogs and magazines. These links are obviously additional to the blog here on the website, and do not include links to my published research (for that see my academia page). This is only for shorter pieces intended for a wide audience. Enjoy!
APA Blog
Aeon magazine
Classical Wisdom
On the history of plagiarism, with Jim Hankins (January 2024)
Conway Lectures at Notre Dame
Daily Nous
The Margins of Philosophy (on the importance of "minor" figures, July 2020)
Essentia Foundation
Five Books
Fusion Magazine
On God in Islamic Philosophy... with Arabic subtitles! (June 2023)
IAI News
IPM: Medieval Philosophy Today
On animals in Islamic philosophy (with Bligh Somma, October 2023)
Irish Times
Decolonializing Philosophy (with Carlos Frankel; May 2023)
New Humanist
New Statesman
New York Review of Books
What Was Philosophy? [Review of M.M. Sassi, The Beginnings of Philosophy in Greece] (June 2019)
OUP Blog
Pasts Imperfect 
The Philosopher
Philosophers’ Magazine
Q&A on the podcast (August 2018)
Philosophy Now magazine (link to all these articles)
Women’s Works [women in the history of philosophy] (December 2015)
Eastern Promises [on Greek and Indian philosophy] (February 2016)
Meat is Murder [Indian arguments for non-violence to animals] (April 2016)
The Best Doctor is Also a Philosopher [medicine in antiquity] (June 2016)
Out of Europe [on the concept of “European” philosophy] (October 2016)
The Philosopher as Historian [on Bertrand Russell] (June 2017)
Don’t Be So Sure [on the history of Skepticism] (August 2017)
Wittgenstein & The War (February 2018)
The Right to Be Poor [on the medieval debate over voluntary poverty] (February 2017)
Mary Wollstonecraft (October 2018)
Divided Opinions [on cultural divisions of philosophy] (February 2019)
The Other Side of the Coins [on philosophy and numismatics] (March 2019)
A Passage to India [on Dara Shikoh] (April 2019)
First Believe, Then Understand [comparing Śankara to Aquinas] (July 2019)
The Pleasure Principle [on the Cyrenaics] (February 2020)
Life & the Mind [on Nietzsche and philosophers' biogaphies] (April 2020)
Back to the Future [on Eternal Recurrence] (July 2020)
Come Together [on Aristotle and Hegel as historians of philosophy] (September 2020)
Do You Need Any Body? [on Avicenna's flying man argument] (January 2021)
The Missing Link [on Indian epistemology] (March 2021)
Evil Overruled [on theodicy and slavery] (July 2021)
Existentialism Comes to Iran [co-authored with Hanif Amin Beidokhti] (August 2021)
Mind Without Matter [ancient arguments against dualism] (October 2021)
Living the Good Life [happiness in ancient ethics] (December 2021)
All Your Love is Need [Renaissance theories of love] (February 2022)
Looking to the Past [philosopher historians] (April 2022)
School of Philosophy and Economic Science
Sternstunde TV show (Switzerland)
On Global Philosophy, with Anke Graness
Times Literary Supplement
What is it like to be a Philosopher?
Interview (March 2019)
The Young Idealist

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