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456. Touch Me With Your Madness: Cervantes’ Don Quixote
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Why do critics consider Don Quixote the first “modern” novel, and what does it tell us about the aesthetics of fiction?
16. To Become or Not to Become: the Confucians on Our Moral Natures
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Morality is what makes us humans, for the Confucians: but does morality come from inside us, outside us, or both?
455. Tom Pink on Francisco Suárez
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We're joined by Tom Pink, who tells us about Suárez on ethics, freedom, law, religion, and the state.
15. Flexing Your Moral Muscles: Xunzi on Moral Cultivation
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Xunzi, a thinker who shaped the course of Confucian philosophy by showing how deliberate effort can overcome our wicked natural tendencies.
454. By Appointment Only: Political Philosophy in the Second Scholastic
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Suárez and other Iberian scholastics ask where political power comes from and under what circumstances it is exercised legitimately.
14. Every Man for Himself: Virtue and the Body
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Several ancient Chinese texts speak of an egoist and hedonist known as Yang Zhu: did he pose a coherent challenge to the Confucians and other ethicists?
453. The Price is Right: Law and Economics in the Second Scholastic
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Vitoria, Molina, Suárez and others develop the idea of natural law, exploring its relevance for topics including international law, slavery, and the ethics of economic exchange.
13. The Trembling Ox: Mengzi and the Compassionate Heart
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In the text that bears his name, Mengzi ("Mencius") holds that the human heart-mind is the wellspring of goodness.
452. Better Than Nothing: Metaphysics in the Second Scholastic
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Did the metaphysics of Francisco Suárez mark a shift from traditional scholasticism to early modern philosophy?
12. Gentlemen’s Agreement: Confucian Virtue Ethics
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Should the remarkable parallels between Aristotelian and Confucian ethics lead us to classify Confucianism as a type of “virtue ethics”?
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Logic1 hour 27 minutes ago446. Not Doubting Thomas: the Aquinas Revival
Bit of a shame. I am…1 hour 28 minutes ago446. Not Doubting Thomas: the Aquinas Revival
Logic8 hours 56 minutes ago446. Not Doubting Thomas: the Aquinas Revival
Logic8 hours 57 minutes ago446. Not Doubting Thomas: the Aquinas Revival
Election1 day 19 hours agoComments Page
The election1 day 19 hours agoComments Page
The Podcast1 day 19 hours agoComments Page
Music3 days 8 hours ago416. God’s is the Quarrel: the English Reformation
music?3 days 8 hours ago416. God’s is the Quarrel: the English Reformation
Words of wisdom3 days 22 hours agoComments Page
Peter Adamson, Professor of Philosophy at the LMU in Munich and at King's College London, takes listeners through the history of philosophy, "without any gaps." The series looks at the ideas, lives and historical context of the major philosophers as well as the lesser-known figures of the tradition.
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