Coming up on the India series

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Since we are drawing to a close with the first, "Origins" section of the India series, here is a preview of what will come up in the second section, which we are calling the "Age of the Sutra." Note that we will have several episodes on some topics, e.g. three or four on the Nyaya school; so this is a tentative list of topics rather than episodes (also, there will be additional interviews as always). Following this section, there will be a third and final mini-series on Buddhist and Jaina texts in the same period.


Introduction to the Age of the Sūtra

Arguments for and Against Ritual


The Vedānta-sūtra

Medicine and Indian philosophy

Gautama’s Nyāya-sūtra

Kaṇāda’s Vaiśeṣika-sūtra


Bṛhaspati’s Cārvāka-sūtra

Īśvarakṛṣṇa’s Sāṃkhya-kārikā

Patañjali’s Yoga-sūtra

mehmet on 23 March 2016

This seems to be very, very

This seems to be very, very good..  Many thanks for your efforts, as always..


ron jeremy on 11 April 2016

nice vid on the cynics, but

nice vid on the cynics, but you meant "flout" not "flaunt".

In reply to by ron jeremy

Peter Adamson on 11 April 2016

Oops! Yes, I'm sure you're

Oops! Yes, I'm sure you're right. I was speaking without a script so that sort of thing happens easily.

Jack on 3 January 2017

Hi Peter, I notice that this

Hi Peter, I notice that this list doesn't seem to include developments in ancient physics or mathematics (e.g. Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Bhaskara I). GIven that you did cover analogous figures in the Western tradition (e.g. Euclid, Archimedes, Ptolemy), why, may I ask, is this? Is it just a reflection of the highly technical nature of their works, or should it be taken to imply that Indian mathematics and physics has little philosophical interest?

I also remember Kit Patrick saying that you'd be doing an episode on Rasa, but I don't seem to see anything of that sort here. Has the episode been jettisoned?

In reply to by Jack

Peter Adamson on 4 January 2017

You're keeping a close eye on

You're keeping a close eye on things! The answer is no and yes: we're not planning an episode on Indian mathematics, thought I guess I agree that would probably be good in principle (the Vaisesika part will actually include a brief mention of astronomy and some stuff on physics though). But we are planning to do one on aesthetics, in part because of Kit's nudging us to do so!

In reply to by Peter Adamson

Jack on 4 January 2017

Thanks for the quick reply. I

Thanks for the quick reply. I'll see if I can get Kit to do one then.

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